The Son Will Rise From The East: Nigeria’s Call for Change



In Nigeria, a nation of immense diversity and resilience, the streets are buzzing with a fervor that refuses to be quelled. The recent verdict of the election tribunal, which declared President Bola Ahmed Tinubu the victor, has not ignited the celebrations that usually accompany such moments. Instead, it has sparked a collective mood of apprehension, frustration, and uncertainty. Nigeria stands at crossroads, and the people are saying “enough is enough.”

The prevailing sentiment in Nigeria is that the election result is far from representative of the people’s will, and the consequences of this belief is beginning to manifest on the streets. There’s an undercurrent of discontent that threatens to erupt into a full-blown crisis—anarchy and chaos loom as potential outcomes, if the grievances are not addressed promptly and fairly.

In a country with a long history of political turmoil, Nigeria’s people have shown remarkable patience and resilience. However, there comes a time when even the most patient of nations can no longer bear the weight of injustice and a perceived loss of democratic principles. The verdict of the election tribunal has served as a catalyst for change—a change that the Nigerian people are demanding.

What is striking in this tumultuous period is the absence of celebrations for President Tinubu’s declared victory. Typically, a triumphant election result is a cause for jubilation and optimism. Yet, Nigeria’s streets remain eerily quiet, reflecting a nation that has lost faith in its leadership. The absence of celebration is a stark indication of the prevailing mood—a mood that is not conducive to stability and progress.

Nigeria, once a nation of diverse voices and vibrant discourse, has witnessed a troubling transformation. Many have become unwitting donkeys, carrying the burdens of decisions they did not make and policies they did not choose. The ranks of sycophants have swelled, and dissenting voices are often drowned out by a chorus of conformity.

This transformation into a nation of docile followers is a disheartening and perilous development. It is a reflection of a government that appears disconnected from the needs and aspirations of its people. It is a manifestation of leadership that seems more interested in maintaining its grip on power than in addressing the genuine concerns of the populace.

In the face of this collective apathy and disillusionment, Nigeria finds itself at a crossroads. The path forward is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the Nigerian people are demanding change. They are no longer content to accept the status quo, and they are no longer willing to swallow “any crap” that is fed to them.

Predicting the emergence of a new leader is speculative, but the yearning for change is undeniable. It is likely that a leader will arise, either from the North East, South East, or perhaps from a combination of both regions, who will heed the call of the people and usher in a new era of Nigerian politics.

Nigeria has a rich history of resilience and determination. It is a nation that has overcome formidable challenges in the past. The current turmoil presents an opportunity for Nigeria to reassess its democratic values, to demand transparency and accountability, and to reinvigorate its commitment to justice and fairness.

As the son rises from the East, or from any corner of this great nation, the hope is that he will bring with him a renewed sense of purpose, a commitment to the principles of democracy, and a vision for a united, equitable, and prosperous Nigeria. The Nigerian people have shown that they are ready for change, and the world watches as the nation takes its next steps toward a brighter future.

ALIYU BIN ABBAS is the President of National Youth Alliance


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