Barriers To Girl Education: 2-day Media Strategic Session On Deepening Conversation Begins In Zaria



A 2-day Media Strategic Session On Deepening Conversation Barriers To Girl Education has  commenced in Zaria on Tuesday.

The session is aimed at facilitating strategic media discussion to deepen conversation on identified barriers to girl education in the state.
It is also targeted at developing a simple but effective media engagement plan/framework that would influence behavioural  chance through continues sensitization to accelerate discourse around social norms and other barriers.
The 2-Day Media strategic session is expected at its end, to deepen conversation barriers/bottlenecks to Girl  Education in the state. 
The session organised by the Partnership to Engage, Reform and Learn (PERL)  a UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office  (FCDO) public-sector accountability and governance programme improving governance and service delivery in  Nigeria, primarily focusing on Education, Health and Open Societies. 
PERL has three pillars emphasizing complementary work with governments – Accountable, Responsive & Capable Government (ARC), non government- Engaged Citizens Pillar (ECP) and Learning Pillar- Evidencing and Advocacy Partnership (LEAP).
PERL-ECP works with a wide range of citizen groups and representatives, the media, and State House of  Assembly. 
It supports these partners to represent citizens’ voice, bring citizens’ priorities to government in an  effective way, and hold government to account for the implementation of policy and budget commitments.
PERL-Engaged Citizens in collaboration with the Kaduna Basic Education Accountability Mechanism (KADBEAM)  is pleased to invite to 
The citizens representatives, influencers, accountability mechanisms SBMCs, PTAs, Media, community members and development partners supporting education reforms in the state recently  met and provided more insights into the factors affecting girl education in the State. 
The barriers were classified into socio-cultural, insecurity, economic, Infrastructure/WASH, and Access. 
The barriers identified require acollective response towards addressing or removing them, hence the reason for this strategic media session. 
The event is expected to end on Wednesday October  6, 2021.


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